Digital decoration machines that respect the environment: this is the commitment of MUCHCOLOURS

In this article we will tell you a story of love and responsibility, that of MUCHCOLOURS towards the environment. Over the years, the company has obtained a series of certifications that testify how much it contributes to the construction of a healthy and less polluted environment for current and future generations.

"The commitment that has always distinguished my company is to use resources and the environment in a conscious manner and with full and total respect for the generations to come. “ 

Let's start today's beauty story with the words of the CEO of MUCHCOLOURS, Giancarlo Rabuffo: since the beginning of his adventure in the world of digital decoration, his goal has been to innovate the market with decoration solutions that increase the perceived value ofobjects without forgetting, in the process of digital decoration, the respect for the environment that surrounds us.

Il tasso di inquinamento globale è allarmante: l’impegno di MUCHCOLOURS è quello di sviluppare nuove soluzioni che riducano questi numeri preoccupanti, con la trasparenza e col coraggio che da sempre contraddistinguono l’azienda abruzzese. 


Contro le Emissioni

"Aware of our environmental and social responsibility, we have set ourselves the goal of reducing our impacts on the environment." 

Nel 2015 MUCHCOLOURS si era posta come obiettivo quello di ridurre del 30% le emissioni del processo di decorazione digitale: un obiettivo ambizioso che ha raggiunto grazie allo sviluppo di inchiostri eco-sostenibili come i nanoink.


The Nanoink

Nanoink are hydroalcoholic solutions containing a siloxane resin that can polymerize with temperature. 

The thermodynamic balance of the polymerization allows a different time-temperature ratio depending on the different properties of the material and / or

different process requirements.

MUCHCOLOURS è orgogliosa dei suoi inchiostri in quanto il dipartimento di ricerca e sviluppo ha tutti gli obiettivi desiderati, ovvero:

  • Inks do not require pre-press coating, i.e. direct printing
  • Perfect nanotechnology, i.e. inks capable of grafting surfaces into their structures
  • Reliable inks, i.e. no problems on printheads during use
  • Bright colours
  • Good primary ink colours, i.e. a wide range of print colours possible
  • No heavy chemical solvents, i.e. no serious danger to users
  • Alcohol-based inks, i.e. quick drying of the print
  • Versatility, i.e. inks capable of printing with good performance on glass, EVA, leather, metals and many other materials


La grande attenzione a tutti i certificati, rilasciati da esterni laboratori indipendenti, relativi alle macchine di decorazione digitale MUCHCOLOURS e al loro utilizzo, permettono di utilizzare gli inchiostri in molte diverse lavorazioni: dalle materie plastiche a il vetro, dalla pelle a tutti quei materiali che devono entrare a contatto con la persona.

Have you ever wondered how many kg of CO2 are produced to decorate a square metre of glass?

How many kg of oil are produced to produce all the parts of a printing press?

How many kg of waste is collected by a company like MUCHCOLOURS?


From raw materials to the digital decoration machine: the life cycle of the Practika

MUCHCOLOURS wants to answer these questions with the analysis of the life cycle of a digital decoration machine like the Praktica for glass decoration, designed respecting the rules of eco-design.

From inventory analysis to data interpretation: At this stage, the MUCHCOLOURS R&D department analyses the limiting factors to improve the economic performance, but above all to limit the environmental impact of the machine.

MUCHCOLOUR not only studies the life cycle of the machine and its inks, but the entire decoration process: what it involves producing and packaging inks, what it involves producing a sheet of glass, how the production of all parts of Practika affects the environment. 

Involving all suppliers as well, MUCHCOLOURS experts analyze all factors of raw material extraction and processing.


Inks and machines that respect man and the environment

Today's beauty story, like any self-respecting beauty story, ends with a happy ending: a promise of respect. Not only towards the environment, but also towards its inhabitants. 

On MUCHCOLOURS inks numerous PATCH TESTS have been carried out to assess the degree of skin irritation: tests, such as that of decoration on a material such as leather, passed brilliantly.

This is a story of love and great collaboration that aims at a common goal: Eco-sustainability.                  

Lo staff di MUCHCOLOURS è composto da un team di esperti con una vasta esperienza di lavoro con i reparti R&B di molte industrie.

This is the basis for a transfer of technological know-how available

all our clients as the key to their success.

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